阆中,千年古城,风水之都。项目规划以传承历史文脉、塑造新城界面、构筑国际一流新城滨水空间为目标,将旅游与城市功能融为一体,突出生态、休闲、宜居氛围,将其打造成与千年阆中古城相辉映的国际旅游度假新城,为阆中步入世界级旅游目的地插上腾飞的翅膀。 在设计上,利用理水、通脉、聚气、塑形等手法,显山水之形胜,聚阆中之神韵,迎时代之潮流,站在城市、旅游、产业、场地、形象“五维度”的高度,强化新城视觉形象,塑造可渗透的呼吸空间,构建混合型、高效能的城市体系,创建国际山水生态新城。
设计范围 : 概念规划设计
建设单位 : 四川阆中市城市规划委员会办公室设计
设计面积 : 634.8公顷
项目性质 : 城市规划
项目位置 : 四川 阆中
设计时间 : 2012
竣工时间 : 在建
Design Scope : onceptual planning and design
Construction Unit : Urban Planning Committee Office of Langzhong, Sichuan Province
Design Area : 634.8 hectares
Project Nature : urban planning
Location : Langzhong, Sichuan Province
Design Time : 2012
Time of Completion : under cons
Langzhong is an ancient city with thousands of years history, as well as the hometown of Fengshui(geomantic omen). The purpose of our plan
is to carry forward its history, create a international first-class waterfront, integrate tourism and city function so as to express its eco-friendliness,
leisure and livability, thus creating a new Langzhong city serving as a international tourism and holiday resort that well corresponds with
Langzhong old city. Linkage and restructure is used in our design to display Langzhong’s fantastic landscape and specialty. Starting from the
five dimensions of city, tourism, industry, site and image, we aim to present an international eco landscape city featuring mixed-use function and
high efficiency by strengthening visual image of the new city and creating a breathable space.