The site is surrounded by the unique hills of Chianti, covered with vineyards, half-way between Florence and Siena. A cultured and illuminated customer has made it possible to pursue, through architecture, the enhancement of the landscape and the surroundings as expression of the cultural and social valence of the place where wine is produced.
The functional aspects have therefore become an essential part of a design itinerary which centres on the geo- morphological experimentation of a building understood as the most authentic expression of a desired symbiosis and merger between anthropic culture, the work of man, his work environment and the natural environment. The physical and intellectual construction of the winery pivots on the profound and deep-rooted ties with the land, a relationship which is so intense and suffered (also in terms of economic investment) as to make the architectural image conceal itself and blend into it.
The purpose of the project has therefore been to merge the building and the rural landscape; the industrial complex appears to be a part of the latter thanks to the roof, which has been turned into a plot of farmland cultivated with vines, interrupted, along the contour lines, by two horizontal cuts which let light into the interior and provide those inside the building with a view of the landscape through the imaginary construction of a diorama.
为了运用典型的建筑表达方式,建筑立面沿着自然坡度横向延伸,斜坡上竖立着的一行行的葡萄藤将立面分隔开来,它们与土地一起形成了建筑的“屋顶”。 开口或切口部分小心翼翼地揭开了地下内部空间的面貌:办公区域,排列如路障上方的观景楼;葡萄酒生产区域沿着下部结构排列,而上方则是装瓶和储存区。成桶的葡萄酒摆放在酒庄隐蔽的中心位置,它们在这里慢慢发酵酿熟,这个光线昏暗、赤土筑造的拱顶营造了一种韵律感,在这里人们感受不到空间的神圣,建筑师并不是刻意地想让光线照射不到这里,而是为了保证理想的湿热环境,确保葡萄酒产品能够慢慢酿熟。
The façade, to use an expression typical of buildings, therefore extends horizontally along the natural slope, paced by the rows of vines which, along with the earth, form its “roof cover”. The openings or cuts discreetly reveal the underground interior: the office areas, organized like a belvedere above the barricade, and the areas where the wine is produced are arranged along the lower, and the bottling and storage areas along the upper. The secluded heart of the winery, where the wine matures in barrels, conveys, with its darkness and the rhythmic sequence of the terracotta vaults, the sacral dimension of a space which is hidden, not because of any desire to keep it out of sight but to guarantee the ideal thermo-hygrometric conditions for the slow maturing of the product.
A reading of the architectural section of the building reveals that the altimetrical arrangement follows both the production process of the grapes which descend (as if by gravity) – from the point of arrival, to the fermentation tanks to the underground barrel vault – and that of the visitors who on the contrary ascend from the parking area to the winery and the vineyards, through the production and display areas with the press, the area where vinsanto is aged, to finally reach the restaurant and the floor hosting the auditorium, the museum, the library, the wine tasting areas and the sales outlet.
The offices, the administrative areas and executive offices, located on the upper level, are paced by a sequence of internal court illuminated by circular holes scattered across the vineyard-roof. This system also serves to provide light for the guesthouse and the caretaker’s dwelling. The materials and technologies evoke the local tradition with simplicity, coherently expressing the theme of studied naturalness, both in the use of terracotta and in the advisability of using the energy produced naturally by the earth to cool and insulate the winery, creating the ideal climatic conditions for the production of wine.
建筑师:Archea Associati
地点:意大利佛罗伦萨,Bargino, San Casciano in Val di Pesa
项目组:Laura Andreini, Marco Casamonti, Silvia Fabi, Giovanni Polazzi
摄影:Pietro Savorelli, Leonardo Finotti
艺术监督:Marco Casamonti
艺术指导助理:Francesco Giordani
客户:Marchesi Antinori srl
预算:€ 85,052,831
Architects: Archea Associati
Location: Bargino, San Casciano in Val di Pesa, Firenze, Italy
Project Team: Laura Andreini, Marco Casamonti, Silvia Fabi, Giovanni Polazzi
Year: 2012
Photographs: Pietro Savorelli, Leonardo Finotti
Artistic Supervision: Marco Casamonti
Artistic Direction Assistant: Francesco Giordani
Engineering: HYDEA
Client: Marchesi Antinori srl
Budget: € 85,052,831
项目来源:Archea Associati