Xi’erqi Station is the southern terminal of Subway Changping Line in Beijing and its transfer station to Subway Line 13. The station is an elevated frame-type building consisting of a semi-underground storey and two above-ground stories supported by four colonnades that create three spans. The Champping Line part consists of an elevated side platform on the second storey and the Line 13 is part of a ground side
platform on the ground storey. Based on the characteristics of side platforms, the cross-section of the buildings consists of two quadrangles
combined with each other. PTFE membrane functions as the material and structure that enclose the roof and facade to provide a long-large
space in which few columns are present.
↓ 夜景 Night view
Accommodating subway transportation, the tubular space formed by the combination of the two quadrangles is directly exposed to show the
shape of the architecture. The structure and form, like something folded with paper, enable modular, standardized, prefabricated construction.
The concise, fluent, and rhythmic architecture indeed expresses the characteristics of tensile membrane. The architectural form also meets the
structure and drainage requirements.
↓ 13号线站台内景 Interior of platform of Line 13
↓ 室内天桥 Inner bridge
↓ (left) 室内天桥 Inner bridge (right) 楼扶梯 Stair & escalator
Because of the translucence of the PTFE membrane, soft and sufficient natural light can be transmitted into the station and no artificial lighting
is necessary in daytime. At night, the lamp light transmitting out of the building makes the station like two bands of lighting paper lanterns that
can be seen from far away by subway commuters going home. With its quiet architectural pose but close relationship with our daily life, the
station becomes an important “city landmark”.
↓ 西侧外景 West exterior
↓ 立面局部 Part of facade
↓ 立面局部 Part of facade
↓ 膜结构施工 Construction of tensile structure
Project: Xi’erqi Station of Changping Line of Beijing Subway
建设地点 / Location:北京 / Beijing
设计时间 / Design Period:2008.11~2010.04
施工时间 / Construction Period:2009.10~2010.12
建筑面积 / Building Area:16670m2
获奖情况:北京国际设计周年度建筑设计奖(2011)、国际膜结构协会杰出贡献奖(2011)等 /
Award: Beijing Design Week Annual Award for Architecture Design (2011), IFAI Outstanding Achievement Award for Tensile Structures (2011), etc.
↓ 客流模拟 Simulation of passenger flows
↓ 剖面图 Section