景观工作室A24设计了汉堡Neue Messe通往Planten un Blomen的公共路径。场地处于易北河,阿尔斯特湖和市中心之间的绿色走廊。主要采用的材料元素是钢板,短钢板组成切片格栅墙定义一个透明的,溢出绿色景观的边界,引领人们进入绿地。矮的长钢板组成钢板通道穿梭在浓密的大树林中,定义通过绿地的路径。两者都是这个绿地中的谨慎介入要素。
form the landscape architect )The new park entrance slices through the “green façade”Hamburg’s Planten un Blomen in a green corridor between the Elbe, Alster and downtown. Three international garden shows have filled the park’s interior with horticultural design. One of the distinguishing features of the park is that it looks like a green façade from the outside. The Neue Messe entrance slices through this green façade, accentuating and carefully preserving valuable woodland. A long angular ramp, flanked by steel, leads thevisitors into the park while orchestrating the park’s design elements.
The fence is a sash surrounding the parkThe new fence across from the Heinrich Hertz Tower stresses the park’s enclosed character by surrounding the mass of trees like a sash. It also creates a uniform look from the old northern entrance to the southern Neue Messe entrance. The fence is made of steel lamellae with slight variations in form, giving the impression of movement. Depending on where the onlooker is, the fence reveals varying degrees of the park. The trees push up against the fence, almost changing its form.