深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊|Z Gallery in ID Town O-office Architects

iD Town项目的场地是位于大鹏旅游新区的葵涌乡,建于上世纪80年代中的宏华印染厂。整个厂区占地8公顷,藏身于深圳东海岸山峦的谷地之中,坚固的钢筋混泥土结构加上荒弃之后锈迹斑驳的墙身,厂区俨然成为一个没落的工业“卫城”。我们的设计也就从这“卫城”的遗址感开始。

深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (1) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (2) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (4) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (5) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (6) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (7) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (9) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (10) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (11) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (12) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (13) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (14) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (15) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (16) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (17) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (18) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (19) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (3) 深圳东海岸大鹏旅游新区折艺廊Z Gallery in ID Town  O-office Architects (8)The ID Town project originates from the abandoned Kuichong Dyeing Factory, locating in Kuichong of Dapeng New Tourist Zone. The whole factory occupies 8 hectors and finds itself in the mountain of East Shenzhen coast. The old-temple-like workshop buildings evoke one’s impression of Acropolis in the nature. Our design starts from this special on-site ruin atmosphere of the abandoned industrial site.


The factory was topographically composed of two quarters – the living quarter in the north locates on the slope hill side, which we call Hill Town(H–Town), and the production quarter locating on the valley platform in the south, which we call Valley Town (V-Town). The main building content of V-Town is 5 large workshop buildings, 4 of which are single-level double-sloping roof concrete structural building with standard column distance of 6 metres. The absence of windows and doors of grates a unique transparent ground space underneath several huge concrete sloping roofs within the green hilly area.The first reconversion project in iD Town is to transform the longest workshop, which was dedicated to purifying the rough cloth, to a reception centre of iD Town, namely Z Gallery, and 7 individual artist studios. Our new building intervention tries to keep the critical distance from the existing building relics to inspire spatial dialogue to the site’s historic past, and maintain the strong site presence of the interweaving of artificial and natural powers.



Z Gallery is conceived as a linear black steel box floating on the ground ruin of the former purification workshop. Exhibition, café, meeting rooms and small reception are set up within the box. In order to response to the variation demands of the space and simultaneously cope with the Southern China’s heat and humidity in summer, black box’s fa?ade are composed of s sequence of rotating wall-doors and sliding glass doors. It will have different expressions in different events or in different seasons.

The 7 grey boxes are in line with Z Gallery, extending the spatial creation into the post-industrial ruins and zigzagging in-between the abandoned machine substrates. Each box is both an incubator and a showcase of an artist, who can explore the built space and factory site from this single box. A metal bridging and platform system connects the new architectural intervention into the broader landscaping master plan of the site.(Photography by Likyphoto)


建筑师:何健翔 蒋滢

Planning Area: 79897m2
Total Building Floor Area: 34747m2
Floor Area of Purification Workshop: 2960m2
Floor Area of new building Intervention: 640m2
Architect: O-office Architects
Architect in charge: Jianxiang He, Ying Jiang
Project Architect Kelvan Dong
Structural Collaborator: Qiyao Luo
Year: 2014
Location: Kuipeng Road 106, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen, China


MORE: O-office Architects

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