摄影师Richard Jochum拍摄了以色列雕塑艺术家Dani Karavan在1989年设计的位于特拉维夫的白色广场。这个广场的主要构成物是几个白色水泥制的大型几何体。有20米高的水泥塔,金字塔状的构筑物,以及半圆形构筑物(中间被劈开,种了一棵橄榄树)。在Richard Jochum的镜头下,这个白色广场显得无限而永恒(实际上这个白色的广场实际面积没那么大,见参考链接),仿佛其边界之外就是绿色城市。色彩与对比度的调整让画面充满肃穆感,生在尘世也脱离尘世。
Designed in 1989 by Israeli artist Dani Karavan , the White Square is an environmental sculpture site reflecting Tel Aviv’s history and scenery. A 20-meter cement tower stands in the middle of the site symbolizing the 20-meter steel siren that, for years, stood in that very place. Beside it, there is a large geometric piece composed of east-west facing shapes. These shapes correspond to the measurements of the Achuzat Bait neighborhood. Next to the geometric piece, one can find a pyramid-like structure that has its south side open to the sun. This is intended to artistically represent the tents the pioneer workers lived in when they were building Tel Aviv. A small amphitheatre sits next to the pyramid
and next to the pyramid there is a dome- like structure with an olive tree in its midst. The pyramid artistically depicts the orchards that surround Tel Aviv; the dome like structure- the typical landscape of the coastal plain. Most popular of the square’s features, however, is the giant half-circle which today functions both as a sun clock and a place to skateboard.
项目来源: Richard Jochum