天台赤城二小学是省内乃至国内第一所将200米环形跑道置于多层建筑屋顶的小学教育建筑。这一充满智慧的概念缘于场地极为有限的用地面积:将200米的标准跑道放置在屋顶上,从而为学校在地面上赢得了额外的3000平方米的公共空间。同时,椭圆型的教学楼给学生们带来了一种内向性的安全感。对跑道放置在屋顶的处理令建筑层数能按照要求控制在四层,跟周边建筑关系更为和谐。为了提供更多可用的绿色庭院空间,建筑体块旋转至跟场地边界线产生十五度角,从而在建筑外部与场地边界之间创造数个小广场空间。该项目将2013年年底建成使用,届时它不仅将成为天台人 民引以为豪的标志性建筑,也将开启如何通过建筑因地制宜、利用屋顶空间、打造节约型社会下的教育建筑的新篇章。
The project for the TianTaiCountyChiChengSecondPrimary School strives for a unique design that will serve as a model school which provides a beautiful environment for the cultivation of knowledge, culture, physical fitness, art and ethics for elementary school children. The design focuses on the relationship between architecture and site, site and city, form and function. Because of the very small area given, the 200m running track was projected onto the roof level, giving an additional 3000+ sqm of usable area on the ground as well as the oval shape of the school building, creating a sense of inward-ness and security for the students. Lifting the running track also allows for a total project height of 4 floors instead of 5 as originally required, creating a more harmonious relationship between the new school and the surrounding urban context. Lastly, the building was twisted about 15 degrees, creating smaller pockets of space between the site wall and the exterior envelope. The project’s ambition lies in creating a school that raises the level of educational facilities in the area, and a place that theresidents of TianTai will be proud of.